At Characters Connection, we want to do more than just fill your vacant positions — we want to help you to build a team of talented individuals who will be an asset to your business for years to come.

To that end, our recruitment process is designed to identify not only the hard skills required for the job but also the softer skills and personality traits that will make the candidate a good fit for your organization.

With this in mind, we make sure we take the time to get to know your business and its people before we start the search for your ideal candidate. This way, we can be sure that we find the perfect match for your needs.

We'll visit you on-site to get a real feel for your company culture and values, and we'll also get to know your team so that we can find candidates with the right personality to fit in.

Once we have a good understanding of what you're looking for, we'll start searching our extensive network of contacts and our database of candidates until we find the perfect match for your vacant position.

We'll conduct initial interviews with each individual to further assess their skills and experience. As your time is precious, we'll only send you the very best candidates for your consideration.

Here's How it Works

Most recruitment companies will just send you a long list of candidates that match your job description and pocket their commission fee. At Characters Connection, we believe in taking a more personalized and long-term approach to recruitment.

We build relationships with the companies we work with, and we'll work with you every step of the way, from helping you to choose the right person for the job to providing support and advice during the onboarding process.

Here's how our recruitment process works:

Finding the Best Candidates

We'll help you to create a requirements profile for your vacant position. This will include things like job duties, skills, and experience required, as well as the personality traits that would make a good fit for your company.

Our industry experts will create a list of possible target companies that are already employing individuals with the skills and experience required for your vacant position.

We'll identify potential channels for approaching candidates in a discreet and professional manner.

Once we've approached potential individuals, we'll conduct an initial screening to assess their suitability for the role. We'll then provide you with a shortlist of the best candidates.

The Recruitment Process

  • Your feedback is essential at every stage of the recruitment process. We'll discuss your initial feelings about the presented candidates and make any necessary adjustments to the search criteria.
  • We'll help both parties to coordinate personal interviews.
  • After interviews, we'll again seek your feedback and that of the candidate.
  • If necessary, we'll discuss possible improvements to the requirements profile.

Hiring & onboarding

Once you've decided to hire a candidate, we'll help with any necessary coordination and administration.

We'll provide neutral support for contract negotiations.

We'll stay in touch during the onboarding process to ensure that everything is going smoothly.

Ongoing support

  • We'll provide a fixed contact person for both sides to help with any problems or questions that may arise.
  • Telephone and personal support is available to assist with any necessary mediation
  • Our experience working with hundreds of companies and candidates means we're skilled in conflict management and we're always here to help.
  • We can also advise on knowledge management best practices to ensure a smooth transition between organizations and long-term success.
Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help you with your recruitment needs.
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